Welcome to the Codnor and District Local History and Heritage website.
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Website last updated
07/03/24 Golden Valley Page
21/02/24 Crosshill School Fig.23
28/03/23 Jessop St School Fig.6
16/02/23 Heanor Rd page Fig.14
28/02/21 Station page
13/03/19 Mining page links
13/03/19 Wright St page Fig.7
26/07/17 St James Vicars updated
16/05/17 Forty Hose Pit Fatalities.
30/04/17 Jessop Street Page
16/04/17 Fig 7 & 8 Old Crosshill Farm
16/04/17 Miners Arms fig.11
13/04/17 Britannia Inn Waingroves
07/03/17 Castle page text
My hope is that this site will help people understand the origins of the local area and appreciate the effort that our ancestors have put into making this village what it is today. The information on this site is based on a study of numerous sources including local history publications, legal deeds and letters, National Archives, old books and pictures, Ancestry websites, and also the contribution of local residents.
I will record the source of each article's information at the bottom of each webpage. If there is anything you would like to see on this site or maybe something you would like to contribute, please contact me on.
Contact Information
email: stuartsaint028@gmail.com
Were is Codnor? Click here to see an interactive Map of Codnor & District.
Terms of use
Codnor & District Local History & Heritage website or www.codnor.info is a non-commercial website that provides local history information, which is free to download for your own personnel use. I only ask that if you intend to publish any of this material or display on your own website, then you contact me first for permission.