Castle Magazine. 

In July 1950 the first Codnor Secondary Modern school magazine was introduced. It was called " The Castle" and was written and printed by the pupils at the school.

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Click on the links below to view all pages of the Castle magazine.

Page 1 Castle Poem by May Allsopp.

Pages 2 & 3  Introduction by G Turner, S.R.Weston, G Bates, M Caulton.
Sports Day by Joyce Lee.

Pages 4 & 5 Pedalling to Stockport by T Hibbart and R Bailey.
The Blackbird by Hadyn Woolley, Birds by Gordon Pettitt.

Pages 6 & 7 The Stratford visit by Pat Billington, Autumn by Barbara James.
Illustration by Keith Cox.

Pages 8 & 9 Thriller, The Tell Tale Syringe by Joyce Lee.

Pages 10 & 11 Hollidays by Joyce Longdon and F Spencer.
Letterbox Ann Chilvers, D Dowell, Sheila, T Stone, B White, W Horsley.

Pages 12 & 13 The Gramaphone Man by Dorathy Evans, Kind Thoughts by Wendy Horsley. A Trip To The Peak by Derek Allen.

Pages 14 & 15 Warwick Castle by Sheila Brown, Rabbits by Peter Jones, My Rabbit by Michael Smith, My Baby Sister by June Martin, Joke by Keith Cresswell.

Pages 16 & 17 Puzzle Corner by Dorothy Lunn, Barbara Beardsley, Jean Longdon, Trevor Stone, Hadyn Woolley, Una Phillis, Ruth Pare.

Pages 18 & 19 Catch as Catch Can by Roy Mallen, Farming John Bestwick, Weather Sation by T Hibbert, D Allen.

Pages 20 & 21 The Fair by Mavis Elliot, Mt Teddy Bear by Iris Martin.
Illustration by Trevor Rigley.

Pages 22 & 23 We Would Like to know Who, Horse Riding by Margaret Langton, My Garden by A Tayler

Pages 24 & 25 A Dramatisation by S Wilde

Pages 26 & 27 Sports & Athletics, Jokes by Shirley Bamford.

Pages 28 &  29 Music page by Ann Clarke, E Holmes, Ann Chilvers.
Puzzle Answers.

Pages 30 & 31 Cartoon by Trevor Rigley, A Trip to Newstead Priory by Irene Fletcher & Ann Chilvers.

Displayed courtesy of EiIeen Polfreyman.


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